Embracing Discomfort – The Transformative Power of Choosing Courage in the Face of Fear
Welcome back, Friends!
Let’s dive into something many of us instinctively avoid: discomfort. Who out there enjoys feeling uncomfortable? I certainly don’t! The comfort zone is a cozy place; it’s safe and predictable, which can be quite appealing in a world that often feels overwhelming and chaotic. But here’s the thing: I’ve noticed that staying in that comfort zone for too long can leave life feeling incomplete and unfulfilling. It’s not about constant productivity and creativity; it’s about not turning away from experiences aligned with our values just because they come with a side of discomfort.
After all, as Mark Twain said, “Courage is not the lack of fear. It is acting in spite of it.”
I recently had the incredible opportunity to attend a wellness retreat in the beautiful Mayan jungle. While it was an incredible week of transformation, that transformation came with countless moments of discomfort that were simultaneously vulnerable, expansive, confronting, and exhausting.
On my very first night, after an opening ceremony that was captivating yet unfamiliar, I noticed some mental resistance to the strangeness of it all. I decided to take a deep breath and just see what the next day would bring. But as I went to turn out the light, lo and behold, a big visitor suddenly scurried across the floor of my room…a tarantula! After my initial gasp, I sat cradling myself on the bed, not knowing what to do. “What did I get myself into?” was all I could wonder.
So what did I do first? Breathe! I had to work pretty hard at regulating my nervous system, and once I calmed the initial shock, I was able to hear my calm intuitive voice within whisper, “You’re here because you’re ready for this.” With that, I surrendered and tried to get some sleep.
The week was full of so many opportunities to be vulnerable and meet some of my biggest anxieties and discomforts head on…everything from dancing in front of other people (which I had side-stepped since 2018 when I stopped drinking alcohol), to embracing my naturally pin-straight hair in the humidity of the jungle, to sharing some of my biggest dreams and fears out loud. While these may seem trivial to some, embracing my discomfort and messiness led to a lot of personal growth. Letting myself be seen in that discomfort and messiness was healing and I would’ve missed out on it had I stayed in my comfort zone. The week was a collection of small acts of bravery that not only felt big, they made a lasting impact!
I’ve come to realize that discomfort often points to the edges where we can expand most. When I create emotional safety for myself and lean into the discomfort, I invite extraordinary experiences. From the tranquility of swimming in a cenote, to a powerful breathwork experience and an unforgettable temazcal ritual, that one week alone was brimming with healing and life-changing experiences. I look forward to sharing more about these experiences, but for now, I’ll leave you with these words from Brené Brown: “We can choose courage, or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both.” So trust in yourself and take that next step – whether it's sharing your vulnerable feelings, taking that leap in your relationship or career, booking that solo adventure, or giving me a call, lean into that discomfort and choose courage! You’ve got this!
With heartfelt gratitude,
Please remember, this post isn’t advocating situations or relationships that are unsafe.
And for anyone wondering, the tarantula and I allowed each other to be, and we both survived!