Embracing Growing Love – Why Meaningful Relationships Don’t Just ‘Work’ on Their Own
We often hear the phrase, "If it’s meant to be, it will just work." Whether it’s about romance, friendship, or family, there’s a common belief that the best relationships should feel effortless—that they’ll withstand anything simply because they’re strong enough…
It’s a comforting idea, but relationships—no matter how deep—don’t flourish on their own.
Embracing Understanding – Why We See the World So Differently (And Why It Matters)
“I would never do that!”
Have you ever caught yourself thinking or saying that? Maybe it was about how someone voted, how they handled a challenge, or even something as simple as how they dress. I get it—I’ve said it too. It’s a thought that draws a line between “us” and “them,” focusing on our differences. And often, underneath that thought is the assumption that the difference is a reflection of character—that they must be wired differently than we are.
Embracing Self-Trust – Returning to Ourselves Again & Again
…just like every other aspect of personal growth, self-trust isn’t something we learn once and master forever. It comes in layers. And often, we are asked to learn it again and again—especially in seasons of transition.
Embracing Perspective – Creating Space Around Life’s Twists and Turns
I don’t know about you, but the last few weeks have felt like that’ve come with more twists and turns than I’d typically like to navigate. Some have felt bigger, some smaller, but together, they just felt like too much.
Embracing Softening – The Bridge Between Resistance and Release
The patterns and beliefs we avoid acknowledging are often the very ones shaping our lives. We may not realize that the choices we make trying to avoid certain feelings or hard truths end up giving them more power. In avoiding, we build a life around resistance instead of one grounded in love and alignment.
So, how do we get from resistance to release? For me, it’s through the practice of softening.
Embracing Self-Advocacy - Navigating Needs with Care and Compassion
There’s a lot of talk about taking care of ourselves, and I often share about living in alignment with our core values. But what do we do when taking care of ourselves or living in alignment might hurt someone we care about?
Embracing Boring - The Quiet Key to Achieving Your Goals
If we want to build something meaningful, we have to show up consistently. Jeff Walker calls this “doing the reps”. It’s about those boring, repetitive actions we need to take every day—the habits that create a strong foundation.
Embracing Not Knowing Why – Finding Freedom Beyond the Answers
Why? It’s often the first thing we ask when life doesn’t go as planned. We want to understand why something happened, what caused it, or how we might prevent it in the future. But sometimes, there is no satisfying “why.”
Embracing Your Own Voice – Living Authentically in a Noisy World
From the moment we’re born, we’re surrounded by messages—what to believe, how to act, who to be. Many of these messages come from people who care about us, but even well-meaning advice often reflects someone else’s experiences, fears, or hopes. Over time, it’s easy to lose touch with our own voice and start living according to what others think we should do.
Embracing What Is – Finding Freedom from the Fear of 'What If'
Have you ever found yourself caught in a loop of "what ifs"? Maybe you’re weighing a decision, and all you can focus on are the potential downsides or everything that might go wrong…It can feel like you’re doing the responsible thing by analyzing every possibility. Is this overthinking keeping us stuck?
Embracing Heartache – Moving Through Loss with Compassion and Courage
I’m not here to tell you that “time heals all wounds” or that “you’ll be fine.” The truth is, heartache isn’t logical. It pulls at old threads of rejection, unworthiness, and fears of being alone. It’s messy and deeply human.
Embracing Starting Now - Why It’s Okay to Start Messy…and Scared
Are you ready to hit the ground running this year? If, like me, you found December draining and exhausting, your first reaction might be, “Not yet!” And that’s okay. Sometimes, just the thought of starting something new feels overwhelming, especially when our energy is running low. How are we supposed to muster that kind of drive?
Embracing Being – Beyond Doing, Honouring Who You Are
As we approach a new year, the familiar buzz of resolutions fills the air. Goals, plans, and checklists often take centre stage, and while reflection is a powerful practice, it’s easy to lose sight of an essential question: Who are we being beneath all the doing?
Embracing Your Own Holiday Experience – Honouring the Complexities of the Season
The holiday season is upon us and while it’s often portrayed as a time of comfort and joy, for many of us it, can feel quite the opposite. Festive gatherings might instead bring discomfort, sadness, or grief – or maybe you’re navigating a mix of it all.
Embracing Inner Safety – Building a Foundation for Alignment
What do you do when you’re feeling anxious? Frustrated? Generally upset?….. Many of us instinctively try to dull or escape uncomfortable emotions…because we’ve never been taught how to sit with or process them.
Embracing Friendship’s Seasons - Honouring Ebbs, Flows, and Growth
The ebbs and flows of friendship offer us a mirror for personal growth. Learning to navigate these changes with compassion helps us honour both ourselves and the friends who have been a part of our journey.
Embracing the Unfolding – Trusting in the Timing of Our Lives
Do you feel stuck? Or do you find yourself questioning your progress because things aren’t moving as quickly as you’d hoped?…In a world that seems to be speeding up with every passing year, it’s natural to want proof that our efforts are leading somewhere. We want the reassurance that our hard work isn’t going to waste.
Embracing Release – Letting Go is Hard, but Holding On is Harder
…on a journey of personal growth, we can find ourselves focusing on all the things we want to be more of or better at—a better listener, a better communicator, more open, more compassionate. The pressure to improve can leave us feeling like we aren’t enough as we are. While adding more can feel empowering, there’s often an underrated power in releasing what no longer serves us.
Embracing Emotional Freedom – Allowing Space for Others’ Feelings Without Trying to Fix Them
Have you ever done something that unintentionally disappointed someone, and then found yourself asking them not to be upset with you?…While being mindful of our actions is important, there will be times when we unintentionally hurt or disappoint others. Instead of making it about us, can we allow them the emotional freedom to feel their feelings?
Embracing What We Don’t Know – The Importance of Challenging Our Assumptions
We often see just a small part of a situation and subconsciously fill in the blanks, believing we now know the whole story. But the truth is, we rarely know the full picture…But what happens when we make decisions based on these incomplete stories?