Embracing Your Own Holiday Experience – Honouring the Complexities of the Season
The holiday season is upon us and while it’s often portrayed as a time of comfort and joy, for many of us it, can feel quite the opposite. Festive gatherings might instead bring discomfort, sadness, or grief – or maybe you’re navigating a mix of it all.
Embracing Inner Safety – Building a Foundation for Alignment
What do you do when you’re feeling anxious? Frustrated? Generally upset?….. Many of us instinctively try to dull or escape uncomfortable emotions…because we’ve never been taught how to sit with or process them.
Embracing Friendship’s Seasons - Honouring Ebbs, Flows, and Growth
The ebbs and flows of friendship offer us a mirror for personal growth. Learning to navigate these changes with compassion helps us honour both ourselves and the friends who have been a part of our journey.
Embracing the Unfolding – Trusting in the Timing of Our Lives
Do you feel stuck? Or do you find yourself questioning your progress because things aren’t moving as quickly as you’d hoped?…In a world that seems to be speeding up with every passing year, it’s natural to want proof that our efforts are leading somewhere. We want the reassurance that our hard work isn’t going to waste.
Embracing Release – Letting Go is Hard, but Holding On is Harder
…on a journey of personal growth, we can find ourselves focusing on all the things we want to be more of or better at—a better listener, a better communicator, more open, more compassionate. The pressure to improve can leave us feeling like we aren’t enough as we are. While adding more can feel empowering, there’s often an underrated power in releasing what no longer serves us.
Embracing Emotional Freedom – Allowing Space for Others’ Feelings Without Trying to Fix Them
Have you ever done something that unintentionally disappointed someone, and then found yourself asking them not to be upset with you?…While being mindful of our actions is important, there will be times when we unintentionally hurt or disappoint others. Instead of making it about us, can we allow them the emotional freedom to feel their feelings?
Embracing What We Don’t Know – The Importance of Challenging Our Assumptions
We often see just a small part of a situation and subconsciously fill in the blanks, believing we now know the whole story. But the truth is, we rarely know the full picture…But what happens when we make decisions based on these incomplete stories?
Embracing Our Innate Love – Choosing from Love Instead of for Love
Have you ever agreed to something and later regretted it? Maybe you said yes without expressing your true opinion or setting a boundary. I know I’ve been there…many times. The turning point came when I started asking myself one key question: Am I doing this for love, or from love?
Embracing Quirks – Honouring the Uniqueness in Each of Us
It’s tempting, especially when something feels easy or natural for us, to wonder why it isn’t for someone else. But what if we slowed down and considered that there’s likely a history, a set of circumstances surrounding that person’s hesitations or struggles? Perhaps if we were in their shoes, we’d struggle too.
Embracing Our Personal Power - Unlocking What’s Already Within
We often label events in our lives as “good” or “bad,” but the truth is, everything is neutral until we assign meaning to it. And here’s the powerful part: we get to choose the meaning we attach. It might sound simplistic, but think about it—how often do we let outside circumstances define our inner state?
Embracing a Slower Pace – Prioritizing What Truly Matters
It feels like there’s always a never-ending list of things to do. It’s tempting to cram as much as possible into each day. But lately, I’ve been noticing—and hearing from others—that “the happiest people I know are actually slowing down, not speeding up.”
Embracing Awkward Moments – Expressing the Hard-to-Say Things in Relationships
Have you ever read or heard relationship advice and thought, “I would never say that?” I’ve been there too! Over the course of many relationships, I realized that while some things may feel uncomfortable or awkward to say, they are often worth considering.
Embracing Self-connection: Finding Your Way Back to Yourself
Have you ever felt like there’s so much going on in your world that it’s hard to tell left from right or up from down? Let me follow up with this: During these times, how connected do you feel to the decisions you’re making?
Embracing Recalibration – The Art of Learning and Evolving
Have you ever been absolutely sure of something, only to later discover that your certainty wasn’t quite right?...Realizing that we got it wrong or our information is outdated doesn’t make us bad – it makes us human.
Embracing the Unsaid: The Messages I Wish I Had Heard
Is there anything you wish your parents had said to you more often growing up? If we were to reflect on our childhood, many of us can remember moments where a few kind words might have made all the difference.
Embracing Faith: Trusting Ourselves Beyond the Evidence
Often, we seek proof that something will work out before we muster the confidence to take a risk or make a commitment. We want to ensure it’s going to work out to avoid feeling hurt or disappointed. That’s understandable – it’s natural to want to feel safe, but what if we’ve got it backwards?
Embracing Systems: Understanding Our Interconnectedness
Our individual actions are influenced by, yet distinct from, the larger systems we are part of. Whether it's our families, cultural backgrounds, or the social environments we engage in, these systems impact us, and recognizing our role within these systems can illuminate why certain patterns persist and how we can begin to change them.
Embracing Our Human Reality: Finding Strength in Life’s Inescapable Truths
Today’s insights are inspired by a poignant quote from psychiatrist Phil Stutz in the documentary Stutz: “There are three aspects of reality: the pain will never go away; uncertainty will never go away; and there’s no getting away from the need for constant work. Everybody has to live like that, no matter what.”
Embracing the Big Picture: The Importance of Seeing Beyond the Small Stuff
Do you ever find yourself getting caught up in the details? I've learned that an over-reliance on this skill can skew our perspective. We can become so absorbed in the minutiae that we lose sight of the broader context, transforming us into relentless fault-finders.
Embracing Messiness: The Art of Thriving in Disarray
As adults, we often view messiness as an inconvenience…something more challenging than maintaining order and simplicity. But what wonders might we be missing by not allowing room for the messiness inherent in living a full, human life?