Embracing Space – The Unseen Nourishment We All Need, More Than We Realize

Hello again and welcome back to this nurturing space as we explore…of all things…space!

The concept of “space” can stir various emotions and reactions, often depending on the circumstances and individuals involved. For some, it may feel threatening, for others unattainable, and there will be those who find it a breath of fresh air. The truth remains, however, that we all need space, more than we probably realize.

Our current culture has woven a complex web of unrealistic expectations, demanding immediate responses and ceaseless engagement. In a world where constant stimulation is the norm, we shy away from stillness and solitude. Look, the truth is that our capitalist society benefits from our relentless connectivity, profiting from our constant scrolling and perpetual consumption. The more we scroll, the more we consume, and the less space and time we have for self-reflection and growth. And the more we operate on this auto-pilot, the more we continue to numb ourselves to feel better. This isn’t a judgement but rather an observation of the culture we’ve co-created.

So what if instead, we learn to embrace space? What could we gain from such a seemingly simple shift?

When someone makes a request of us or our time, in the rush of daily life do we quickly say yes without stopping to think? What if, instead of an immediate “yes,” we tell that person we will absolutely consider it and get back to them (in an hour, in a day, or whatever timeframe you feel is appropriate)? That space we’ve just created allows us to reflect on our capacity, means, and desire to say yes, rather than acting out of obligation or sense of guilt. How much resentment would we release by adding a little space?

Sometimes when we spend a lot of time with someone, we can feel a bit stifled. This can be especially apparent when we live with someone. It doesn’t mean we don’t care about them…it’s a natural human feeling and it even happens with pets and kids we cherish! Rather than adding a sense of shame to the situation, can we learn to ask for space. Understandably, some situations inherently have more logistical challenges. We may need to learn how to create a safe space to communicate these needs with a loved one, or ask for help from someone so that we can step away. That is part of the personal work on this journey we each have. Learning our own signals for needing space gives us the opportunity to ask for that space before that stifled feeling reaches a breaking point.

Space isn’t merely a respite; it’s also essential for our growth and creativity. Without it, our minds remain cluttered, unable to let thoughts and ideas transpire. Just like plants need space to grow, we too, require room to not just survive, but to flourish. In the sweetness of doing nothing, or as the Italians beautifully put it, “dolce far niente,’ we provide the silence and solitude to let our minds wander, to daydream, to let our creativity thrive.

So let’s challenge ourselves to make space - for our bodies, creativity, sanity, and relationships, and let’s see what emerges. It’s time to unplug for a while, to step away and rediscover the art of cozying up to ourselves.

With heartfelt gratitude,


Embracing Discomfort – The Transformative Power of Choosing Courage in the Face of Fear


Embracing Curiosity – The Simple Key to Opening Up Our World