Embracing Gratitude: Sometimes the Simplest Things Can Have a Lasting Effect
Hi Friends, let’s dive in!
Years before I dove into personal growth with both feet, I dipped my toe in every now and then with various techniques and tools. I would try it for a little while, and then get busy and go back to all my old habits. It happens.
The first tool I remember trying was inspired by an episode of Oprah, back in the days of live TV! The topic was gratitude and the impact it can have on our lives. So, for a little while I started listing three things I was grateful for each day. I was in high school and in all honesty, I don’t remember it creating an immediate shift, but it left enough of an impression that gratitude was always how I dipped my toe back into personal growth.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of our lives, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed and caught up in the challenges that come our way, sometimes labeling an entire day as bad over one inconvenience. But if we take a moment to reflect, we’ll find that most days hold moments worth being grateful for. I don’t mean big, life-changing events, or even the privileges that not everyone around the world gets to experience (though we acknowledge their significance and importance). I’m talking about the little, seemingly inconsequential things that we can so easily miss in our day. How nice is it to feel the warmth of the sun shining on your face, especially during cold Canadian winters? How comforting is it to rest your head on a soft pillow after a tiring day? Or maybe your cup of tea or coffee was exceptionally satisfying this morning! These small moments make up most of our life and we risk missing out on a lot of joy if we reserve our appreciation for merely the big moments.
The more that I practiced remembering three things every day (or most days) that I was grateful for, the more I began to notice these little moments of joy as they happened. Beyond gratitude alone, this was a tool that opened a doorway to greater presence and mindfulness in my daily life. Focusing on these seemingly small things may seem trivial when first starting, but start anyway! Taking that first step is what truly counts – so give yourself the grace of feeling a bit silly (for example, even something as simple as petting a dog often makes it onto my list)!
When I started with this, I found it helpful to write them down in a journal. These daily lists helped me capture the small moments of joy, which can be really nice to look back on especially when we’re going through tough times. As it became more habitual, I began integrating this practice before drifting off to sleep. It was a lovely and calming way to fall asleep – with thoughts of gratitude rather than my to-do list. If journaling isn’t your thing or you fall asleep quickly, you can try tying this practice to another habit. For instance, while you’re brushing your teeth, or if you have kids you can share the practice with them as you’re getting them ready for bed!
Here’s what made my list today:
* I’m grateful for the delicious smoothie bowl that kick-started my day – a favourite ritual!
* I’m thankful for having someone I could share my day with – someone taking the time to hold space for me makes me feel cared for.
* I appreciate the few minutes I was able to sit outside just listening to the birds chirping, the wind in the leaves, and the neighbourhood noises.
* And I’m truly grateful for each of you, joining me on this journey!
What made your list today?
With heartfelt gratitude,